Day #02

DIF Web AdminPrayer & Fasting 2025

The idea of being chosen is repeating theme through-out the Bible.

We see God choosing people, places, and groups on a continual basis throughout both the Old and New Testaments. It is woven into stories, poetry, and history. Not only do we see God choosing people and places etc but we also get to choose.

God allowed Adam and Eve to choose whether they would listen to Him or whether they would disobey.

Abraham chose whether he would leave his father and and go to the place God had promised him.

Another Biblical figure we can look at is Job. This guy seemed to have it all. Great wife, lots of children children, money galore, property, prosperous career e.g., owned thousands of cattle, sheep, and had lots of servants.

It seemed like he had everything! And, if the earthly riches weren’t enough, he was known as being “blameless and upright”. God Himself said that “there is no one on earth like him”... Now that is something I would like God to say about me!

Then, something happens.

Job has “one of those days”. You know the kind. The type where ‘everything’ just goes wrong from start to finish. One problem after another after another and, Job loses almost everything. All the money is gone. The cattle, the sheep, the oxen are taken. His children too. His health declines as well.

What if this was you or me? What would you or I do? How would we react? Would we go to our friends for help? Post on socials? Sit down and wallow at home (if we still had one)?

This was Job’s response:
'At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship '

Maybe you won’t loose everything in one day, but I can probably guarantee you that this year, you will face trouble and hardship of some kind (maybe you are going through something even now).

Maybe the loss of someone close, maybe your finances will be affected, or relationships will crumble.

Maybe it will seem as though everyone around you is against you and you feel lonely, rejected, or invisible.

Maybe you will have “one of those days” … or weeks or months.

Can I encourage you though (yes, Job can be encouraging), choose like Job chose. Go to God and worship Him.

Scripture Reading

Job 1 [NIV]

Reflection Prompts

In which area(s) of you do you struggle to believe that you are “chosen, set apart, holy, and dearly loved”? List them.

Ask Holy Spirit to speak to you right where you are and remind you of God’s perfect love and infinite purposes for you.

With this personal revelation in hand, how will you live today?