You’ve made the most important decision you’ll ever make in giving your life to Jesus Christ and making Him your Lord and Saviour! Welcome to your new life and family in Christ! We’d love to support you as you start out on this exciting life-long journey of discovering and following God.WHAT DO I DO NEXT?
1. Tell Someone
Talking to someone about your life-changing decision to follow Jesus is a great first step! If you’d like to connect with someone from DIF Next Steps team, please contact us here2. Read the Bible
The Bible (also known as the Word of God) is a gift from God to us. It reveals the Truth about who He is, who we are in Him and what His plans are for His created world. Reading and praying God’s Word every day will help us know Him better, so we can live the life He wants for us.
We recommend you start reading with the New International Version (NIV)
2 Timothy 3:16 [NIRV]
3. Make prayer part of your day
Making time to talk with God about our needs, concerns, and desires and to listen for Hisresponse helps us develop a closer relationship with Him. He is also able to help us turnfrom sin and become more aware of His presence and power in our lives as we spend timecommuning with Him every day.Philippians 4:6 [NLT]
4. Learn to worship
Thanking and adoring God for who He is, all He’s done and all He’s given us, and offering our whole lives to Him in response, is what we were created to do and should become a way of life for all Christians. We should worship God when we’re alone and with others, daily valuing Him above all other things.Romans:12:1 [NIV]
5. Find a local church community
God designed us to live life alongside other Christians, to encourage, support and strengthen one another in our faith, and use our God-given gifts to serve others. You’re welcome to joinany of our Sunday services/weekly Life Groups, or alternatively, we encourage you to find achurch local to where you live.WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO FOLLOW JESUS?
Romans 3:23 [NIRV]
God's GIFT
Romans 5:8 [NIRV]
I believe You are the Son of God and that you died on the Cross for my sins. I believe you came back to life so I could come in to a right relationship with our Heavenly Father and recieve new, eternal life. I confess that I have sinned and I ask for your forgiveness. I choose to turn away from sin and to turn to You completely. I invite you to be Lord of my life. Help me to know you better each day and follow you for the rest of my life, by the power of your Holy Spirit. Thank you for your love, mercy and grace!
In Your name I pray, Amen.