Day #07
Over the past few months, God has continually stirred in my spirit that every part of my life is meant to be in worship to Him. Why? Because I am Holy Spirit’s dwelling place – His temple.
Whether I’m working, sleeping, eating or cleaning my house – everything that I do can and should be done in worship to Him because He is always with me as His temple. That even includes times of silence.
So, as you begin your devotional today, I want to encourage you to start with silence (if you’ve never practiced silence before the Lord, start with 1-2 minutes)
Then take some time to read Psalm 150 [MSG and AMP] out loud once or twice (there is power in God’s Word when it’s spoken aloud).
And for a time of musical worship, I recommend listening and singing along to “Praise You Anywhere” by Brandon Lake.
Right from the beginning, Psalm 150:1 [MSG] says, “Praise God in His holy house of worship.”
When this psalm was written, the writer was probably thinking about the Tabernacle (The Tent of Meeting) and then later worshipers would have thought about the Temple that Solomon built, but now we get to think about and know that we are the Temple.
What beautiful gift! The presence of God, through Holy Spirit, dwells in us! We are His temple, his “holy house of worship”. Because of this, we should worship Jesus from the core of who we are.
From the dawn of creation, God breathed life into us (Genesis 2:7).
So, when Psalm 150:6 [AMP] continues, “Let everything that has breath and every breath of life, praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)”, we can know that every breath in our lungs belongs to the Lord. And it is His Spirit in our bodies that continues to give us life as He dwells within us (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 TPT)
But we have to be careful that we don’t lose sight of being God’s temple as we are living life. That we work to keep the connection that He gave us by dwelling in us, otherwise it can be easy to get sucked into the ordinariness of everyday life – we can lose the spark of what makes us different, what sets us apart, what makes us holy.
We can even start to take on the characteristics of this world and the culture around us – and that can mean death instead of life. John 6:63 tells us that it is the Spirit who gives life and the flesh, this world, is no help.
And Romans 8:6 tells us that the mind of the flesh is death because it causes us to pursue sin, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace, a spiritual well-being that comes from walking closely with God and remembering to live and act like we are His “holy house of worship”, His temple.
So, today, choose life, choose Spirit, choose to praise God with every breath in your lungs and every fiber of your being because He is worthy of all praise and you are the place He chooses to dwell, His temple, His place of worship!
Scripture Reading
Psalm 150 [MSG & AMP]
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 [TPT]
Romans 12:1-2 [MSG]
Reflection Prompts
Look like worship, or any places Spirit would not like to dwell in?
With those places in mind, ask God what small steps you could take today to begin the journey of making those areas of your life places of worship, too.
To end your time today, Psalm 150 talks a lot about praising God and ways to praise Him “in His holy house of worship”. As His temple, His place of worship, what are some things you could praise the Lord for today?