Day #10

DIF Web AdminPrayer & Fasting 2025

Have you ever read C.S. Lewis’ best-selling fictional work, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”? If you haven’t, I suggest you visit to the local bookshop to pick up a copy (yes, you can easily buy it in Vietnam) or purchase it online.

Without spoiling the story, there are four siblings who embark on a journey of unparalleled mystery engaging many characters along the way. “The Lion” is, of course, Jesus, in the form of the fictional talking lion named Aslan who models turning the other cheek, honouring promises, and sacrificing for others. “The Witch” is the leader of those who oppose the Light and Life, hurting themselves and others in a literal winter of the soul.

Then there is “The Wardrobe” - a commonplace item readily found in most rooms of the house. But, this one wardrobe found in one room of the house the children were staying at was no ordinary wardrobe - it was a portal to a different world known as Narnia.

Not only was it a magical portal, but this wardrobe also contained within it several fur coats (the exact number required might I add) for each of the children to use when choosing to venture into Narnia.

A devout Christian, C.S. Lewis wrote this (and the other six in the series) to teach children about the need to live with courage, honesty, kindness, loyalty, and introduce them to the miraculous element of Christ’s story in a new way – believing they could relate to them in a new and engaging way.

He did this by weaving fantasy with Christian allegory, often drawing on events from the Bible to impart life-long lessons to help his young readers become better people.

With that in mind, let’s go back and revisit the powerful symbolism and practical application of this “wardrobe” concept - it is one not to be missed especially in light of our theme this year from Colossians 3:12.

You see, this term “wardrobe” can be applied to both the object that holds clothing (and other items) and to the apparel within.

On the one hand, the wardrobe of Lewis’ story is a portal with its private access to the fantastical land of Narnia. This is symbolic of our relationship with Christ - the doorway or pathway to the kingdom of Heaven (Luke 13:24; John 10:7; and John 14:6).

On the other hand, this wonderful portal of mystery and adventure also contained an abundance of quality and seasonally appropriate ‘clothing’ to put on for the journey ahead. For those who ignored or dismissed the strategically placed gift, there was great hardship. This is symbolic of the Kingdom Living ‘clothing’ – ways of living, thinking, and being – that have been selected just for us as we ‘wear Christ’ in our world (Galatians 3:27).

God has given us a blessed opportunity to go into a purpose-built, quiet space with private access. Not only that, with great care and attention, He has prepared “clothing” for us to “wear” in this new life of love - each has been hand-picked, hung up, and made readily available for us.

We simply have to accept the gift and reflect the glory of “the Author and Finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2) as we “wear His gifts”.

Spoiler alert: As you continue reading the series, you’ll note Aslan reminds the adventurers that “you don’t enter Narnia the same way twice”. Instead, each portal is different, as is the clothing (and tools) required.

Take some time today to reflect on the power of His hand-picked and gifted wardrobe that has been made available for you. It is specific to the season and tasks before you. Remember, He has selected you for “such a time as this”.

Scripture Reading

Luke 13:24 [NIV]

Galatians 3:27 [CEV]

Hebrews 12:2 [NKJV]

Reflection Prompts

What does this new wardrobe of God look like for you this year?

Where do you need His help in daily putting on the clothes He has handpicked it out for us, knowing what we need as well as when and where we will need it.