Day #16

Who has ever been blessed with a thoughtful mother, aunt, grandmother, or other relative who have shown their love to you through homemade clothing?
My Nanna loved to knit and was a croquet-blanket making ninja. I have some of her smaller pieces with me here in Vietnam, including croquet-embellished handtowels which hang in our kitchen so a little piece of her is with me every time I wash then dry my hands.
But I’m not talking about that kind of blessing - I’m talking about the ‘creative expression’ sort where photos were printed onto t-shirts and puff paints liberally applied as borders to said gigantic full-colour photo of yourself. I’m talking about the matching florescent harem pants that each of the cousins or siblings got for that ‘perfect family photo’ (and yes, there are photos). I’m talking about the handmade matching sweatshirt and sweatpants for the whole family with quilting fabrics and, you guessed it, more puff paints.
In case you can’t tell, yes, I was blessed with many (too many) of these ‘gems’ during my childhood and yes, I can show you photos (for a price).
Yes, I will loudly confess that they were tacky then and even tackier now (sorry Mum). But! Now, I can look back and realise that I was literally clothed in my mother’s love, puff paints and all.
What a powerful gift it is to be clothed in love.
As great as my mother is, God’s love is even better - it is unconditional and unreserved in measure. More precious and powerful than that matching polkadot nightgown from Mum is the powerful gift of ‘God’s wardrobe’ - the epitome of ‘homemade’ God-style clothing that He’s hand-picked out for us to wear daily.
Indeed, it is the kind of clothing that, as Isaiah 61:10 [CEV] notes, causes us to “celebrate and shout” because “His saving power and justice are the very clothes I wear” now.
This declaration of His power, grace, and kingdom-minded justice is expressed eloquently in the hymn called, “Clothed in Righteousness” by Dr. R.C. Sproul, of which a portion is shared:
Clothe us in Your righteousness
Hide filthy rags of sin
Dress us in Your perfect garb
Both outside and within
Scarlet souls are now like snow
By Thy atoning grace
Crimson hearts become like wool
For Adam’s fallen race
No work of ours is good enough
For evil to atone
Your merit, Lord, is all we have
It saves and it alone
God and God alone is our treasure. He chose us. He has set us apart to be holy and dearly loved. He alone is good enough. His merit, His power, His glory, His goodness, and His grace is all we have – “it saves and it alone”. All we need to do is respond.
To live like one who is “chosen, set apart, holy, and dearly loved” requires action. It is not accidental nor is it coincidence. It demands humble and intentional action - all led by and through His Spirit. We are to choose to wear His hand-selected wardrobe.
As the song notes, such action is to take place “both outside and within” – it requires change internally and externally so all the world will know Whose you are and how different you are because of your relationship with Him. So, what will that look like for you today?
Scripture Reading
Isaiah 61:10 [CEV]
Isaiah 61:10 [NIV]
Reflection Prompts
In what area(s) of your life do you need God’s help to truly “put on the wardrobe God hand-picked for you”?
What could it look like each day to live in this wardrobe of compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, and discipline? Write down three practical examples and ask for God’s help to live this way going forward.