Day #19

DIF Web AdminPrayer & Fasting 2025

We can spend a lot of time and energy thinking about the things that we do not have. Sometimes, these things can cause us to be depressed, envious of others, and even angry.

Even as I write this, I am reminded of how recently I felt this “lack”. Just days ago, we had almost no money left in our bank account yet email after email came in with reminders of bills due within the next month. It wasn’t just “lack” in terms of our finances but also the “lack” of close friends nearby to pour out our heart and soul too, cry with, and pray together into whatever the situation needed. Honestly, if any of us think about it long enough, we can come up with quite a long list of seeming “lack” in our lives.

But... there is actually great beauty in the “lack”.

When we “lack” something, it actually allows room for God! If we’re wise about it, this supposed shortage creates room for God to come in and bring change, to make a shift in our circumstances, or to make a directional shift in our lives. It makes room for Him to do something amazing in our lives, something different, or something new. It allows the miraculous to happen!

Our “lack” is not something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. It is not an invitation for envy, depression, anger, or jealousy. It is an opportunity for us to see the miraculous, above-and-beyond, and powerful outworking of God in our lives.

Peter uttered these famous words when he was at the temple gates: “silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

He “lacked” what the man was asking him for. He didn’t have an abundance of wealth or riches, but he knew what he did have - it was something much more precious than gold or silver. He knew that he was chosen by God. This revelation gave him the strength and courage to talk to the man. He had an unquestionable, undeniable faith in Jesus Christ. Now that is something to have an abundance of.

Have you ever stopped to think and ask yourself, “what if Peter and John did have silver and gold to give it to the lame beggar at the gate?”

One thing is sure, this beautiful miracle in Acts 3 would never have happened (at least in the form we see in the text).

Furthermore, in the sharing of their “lack”, there was not only miraculous physical healing but the opportunity for Peter & John to tell everyone the good news of Jesus Christ!

Process that for a minute. Their “lack” opened up incredible opportunity with eternal consequences.

Our “lack” has the same potential - to provide opportunity for us (and those around us) to see God’s mighty and miraculous hand at work in our lives.

Next time you start thinking about your “lack”, remember that God is all-sufficient and all-powerful. He can use that “lack” to bring about the miraculous - changing not just physical circumstances but turning hearts ands minds towards Him.

Scripture Reading

Acts 3:1-10 [NIV]

Reflection Prompts

What areas in your life are you lacking?

In what ways can you choose to look at your lack differently?